As we announced earlier this year, we have not one but two Apache conferences featuring Apache Camel on the Integration track.
ApacheCon Asia is from August 6 - 8, 2021 and has two days of Camel and software integration sessions held in Asia-Pacific timezone. And ApacheCon @Home from September 21 - 23, 2021 also features two days of Camel and software integration sessions with sessions held in Europe-Americas timezone.
The schedules for the Integration track at ApacheCon Asia, and ApacheCon @Home have been published, and are packed with interesting technology talks and use case presentations.
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This year we have two Apache conferences featuring Camel, ApacheCon Asia from 6th through 8th of August, and ApacheCon @Home from 21st through 23rd of September, 2021. Both of these conferences will be online.
If you wish to present at any of these, please submit your talk proposal for the Integration track. The call for presentations is open for both ApacheCon Asia and ApacheCon @Home. You’re welcome to propose a session for both conferences, though be aware of the differences in target audiences based on region, timezone, and language.
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This year’s ApacheCon was an overwhelming success, with many tracks running in parallel. If you missed some of the talks on the Camel/Integration or would like to revisit your favorites, video recordings from ApacheCon @Home 2020 are now available on The Apache Software Foundation YouTube channel.
You can watch the content from all three days in one playlist, with over 10 hours of content.
For convenience, we listed the talks as they appear in the schedule here along with the slides shared by the speakers.
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ApacheCon @Home starts tomorrow, here is how to make the most of it.
First, if you haven’t already registered there is still time, go over to the conference page to do so. It’s free (small donation encouraged)!
Browse the track schedule and use the calendar icon to import the session calendar entry in your calendaring software, this way you’ll be reminded when a session you don’t want to miss is about to start.
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We are pleased to announce that ApacheCon 2020 will be held online, September 29th through October 1st, 2020.
If you wish to present at the event please submit your talk proposal for the Camel/Integration track when at ApacheCon 2020 website no later than Monday, July 13th by noon in the UTC timezone. Please do not wait for the last minute to submit.
We are most interested to see talks that offer a learning experience to the attendees, so talks that present new parts of the Camel ecosystem (Camel K, Camel Quarkus, Camel Kafka Connector), talks showing off lessons learned, use cases, and visions on where software integration is heading in the future.
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