JVM since1.0.0 Native since1.0.0
Perform operations against Kubernetes API
What’s inside
Kubernetes ConfigMap component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Custom Resources component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Deployments component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes HPA component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Job component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Namespaces component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Nodes component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Persistent Volume component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Pods component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Replication Controller component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Resources Quota component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Secrets component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Service Account component, URI syntax:
Kubernetes Services component, URI syntax:
Openshift Build Config component, URI syntax:
Openshift Builds component, URI syntax:
Openshift Deployment Configs component, URI syntax:
Please refer to the above links for usage and configuration details.
Maven coordinates
Or add the coordinates to your existing project:
Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.
Additional Camel Quarkus configuration
Automatic registration of a Kubernetes Client instance
The extension automatically registers a Kubernetes Client bean named kubernetesClient
. You can reference the bean in your routes like this:
from("direct:pods") .to("kubernetes-pods:///?kubernetesClient=#kubernetesClient&operation=listPods")
By default the client is configured from the local kubeconfig file. You can customize the client configuration via properties within application.properties
The full set of configuration options are documented in the Quarkus Kubernetes Client guide.
Having only a single consumer in a cluster consuming from a given endpoint
When the same route is deployed on multiple pods, it could be interesting to use this extension in conjunction with the Master one. In such a setup, a single consumer will be active at a time across the whole camel master namespace.
For instance, having the route below deployed on multiple pods:
from("master:ns:timer:test?period=100").log("Timer invoked on a single pod at a time");
It’s possible to enable the kubernetes cluster service with a property like below:
quarkus.camel.cluster.kubernetes.enabled = true
As a result, a single consumer will be active across the ns
camel master namespace.
It means that, at a given time, only a single timer will generate exchanges across the whole cluster.
In other words, messages will be logged every 100ms on a single pod at a time.
The kubernetes cluster service could further be tuned by tweaking quarkus.camel.cluster.kubernetes.*
Configuration property | Type | Default |
Whether a Kubernetes Cluster Service should be automatically configured according to 'quarkus.camel.cluster.kubernetes.*' configurations. |
The cluster service ID (defaults to null). |
The URL of the Kubernetes master (read from Kubernetes client properties by default). |
The connection timeout in milliseconds to use when making requests to the Kubernetes API server. |
The name of the Kubernetes namespace containing the pods and the configmap (autodetected by default). |
The name of the current pod (autodetected from container host name by default). |
The jitter factor to apply in order to prevent all pods to call Kubernetes APIs in the same instant (defaults to 1.2). |
The default duration of the lease for the current leader (defaults to 15000). |
The deadline after which the leader must stop its services because it may have lost the leadership (defaults to 10000). |
The time between two subsequent attempts to check and acquire the leadership. It is randomized using the jitter factor (defaults to 2000). |
Service lookup order/priority (defaults to 2147482647). |
The name of the lease resource used to do optimistic locking (defaults to 'leaders'). The resource name is used as prefix when the underlying Kubernetes resource can manage a single lock. |
The lease resource type used in Kubernetes, either 'config-map' or 'lease' (defaults to 'lease'). |
Whether the camel master namespace leaders should be distributed evenly across all the camel contexts in the cluster. |
The labels key/value used to identify the pods composing the cluster, defaults to empty map. |
Configuration property fixed at build time. All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime.