uniVocity Fixed Length
Since Camel 2.15
This Data Format uses uniVocity-parsers for reading and writing 3 kinds of tabular data text files:
CSV (Comma Separated Values), where the values are separated by a symbol (usually a comma)
fixed-width, where the values have known sizes
TSV (Tabular Separated Values), where the fields are separated by a tabulation
Thus there are 3 data formats based on uniVocity-parsers.
If you use Maven you can just add the following to your pom.xml, substituting the version number for the latest and greatest release.
Most configuration options of the uniVocity-parsers are available in the data formats. If you want more information about a particular option, please refer to their documentation page.
The 3 data formats share common options and have dedicated ones, this section presents them all.
The uniVocity Fixed Length dataformat supports 16 options, which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
skipTrailingCharsUntilNewline |
Whether or not the trailing characters until new line must be ignored. The default value is false |
recordEndsOnNewline |
Whether or not the record ends on new line. The default value is false |
padding |
The padding character. The default value is a space |
nullValue |
The string representation of a null value. The default value is null |
skipEmptyLines |
Whether or not the empty lines must be ignored. The default value is true |
ignoreTrailingWhitespaces |
Whether or not the trailing white spaces must ignored. The default value is true |
ignoreLeadingWhitespaces |
Whether or not the leading white spaces must be ignored. The default value is true |
headersDisabled |
Whether or not the headers are disabled. When defined, this option explicitly sets the headers as null which indicates that there is no header. The default value is false |
headerExtractionEnabled |
Whether or not the header must be read in the first line of the test document The default value is false |
numberOfRecordsToRead |
The maximum number of record to read. |
emptyValue |
The String representation of an empty value |
lineSeparator |
The line separator of the files The default value is to use the JVM platform line separator |
normalizedLineSeparator |
The normalized line separator of the files The default value is a new line character. |
comment |
The comment symbol. The default value is # |
lazyLoad |
Whether the unmarshalling should produce an iterator that reads the lines on the fly or if all the lines must be read at one. The default value is false |
asMap |
Whether the unmarshalling should produce maps for the lines values instead of lists. It requires to have header (either defined or collected). The default value is false |
Marshalling usages
The marshalling accepts either:
A list of maps (
List<Map<String, ?>>
), one for each line -
A single map (
Map<String, ?>
), for a single line
Any other body will throws an exception.
Usage example: marshalling a Map into CSV format
<from uri="direct:input"/>
<to uri="mock:result"/>
Unmarshalling usages
The unmarshalling uses an InputStream
in order to read the data.
Each row produces either:
a list with all the values in it (
option withfalse
); -
A map with all the values indexed by the headers (
option withtrue
All the rows can either:
be collected at once into a list (
option withfalse
); -
be read on the fly using an iterator (
option withtrue
Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
When using univocity-fixed with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
The component supports 50 options, which are listed below.